Thursday, February 9, 2017

Pillow Pile Progressing Perfectly

I am settling in to work on the items for my upcoming Subscription Boxes.  Today's agenda included working on a dozen and a half pillows.
I started with a tone on tone vine printed white cotton and cut out two rectangles roughly 4x6".  After cutting out the matched pairs, I sewed around them leaving an opening on one side.

I like to use both a straight and a zig zag stitch to help guard against fraying and the seam blowing out. 

Sew, sew, sew and well, sew some more.  I tend to try and work assembly line style when working on things like this.  It seems to make the process quicker.

So I cut everything out, then did all of the sewing around the rectangles. Next up comes the turning, stuffing and blind stitching the openings closed.

Four down and 14 to go! =D

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