Sunday, September 26, 2010


Yep 2 posts today!

So yesterday I discovered that I have managed to lose 5 pounds without even trying. WELL let me tell you this has given me a kick in the pants and really motivated me! If I can lose this without trying imagine what I can do if I put my mind to it!!!

So I am setting myself 3 weekly goals. I'd be thrilled if y'all could help keep me motivated!
1. Work out every weekday. NO EXCUSES!!!
2. List 5 items in my etsy shop every day!
3. Make atleast 2 items every day!

I am really feeling refreshed and ready to get back into the swing of things so HERE I COME!!!


  1. woo hooo- good for you Deborah! I always do better if I list out my goals too :)

  2. Thanks Kim! Met goal 1 already and and working on 3...will do 2 a little later.

  3. ¡Uf! 5 Kilos sin esfuerzo está muy bien.
    Tu te has propuesto muchas metas. Espero que las consigas porque eso nos motiva. Pasaré por tu blog a ver esas dos entradas :)
    Y quiero saber cuantos pantalones van a la basura por estar grandes en tu cuerpo.
    Besos Clara

  4. That's awesome! There's nothing like losing a couple of pounds to inspire you and motivate me, I'm so jealous though, it never happened when I wasn't looking lol Good luck on your goals!


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